Regular reports on our products and services are published by our customers, independent portals, newspapers and online media. Our quality and availability have already been recognised by many accolades. The list below summarizes our most valuable awards and articles from the press.
Service Provider Awards 2023: Gold in the Category Cloud Hosting
Every year, Vogel IT-Akademie honors the best German providers in 14 different categories at the Service Provider Awards.
Thanks to our customers, we were able to receive the Service Provider Award 2023 in Gold in the category Cloud Hosting. The Service Provider Award is based on readers' choice, which show how important the satisfaction of our customers is. We are very happy and thank you for the numerous votes in the voting!
HOSTtest: Webhoster of the Year 2022
For the first, for the second ... no, for the seventh time we can climb the winner's podium as Webhoster of the Year 2022! Over 11,000 participants voted for their hosting service provider in this year's HOSTtest Audience Award. The award is made up of several evaluation criteria, such as price-performance ratio, contract processing and support.
Netcup was awarded 1st place in the categories Domains and vServer and 2nd place in the category Webhosting as the most popular provider.
A big thank you from the entire netcup team for your trust, vote and congratulations!
Service Provider Awards 2022: Gold in the Category Cloud Server
For the seventh time, our customers voted netcup as their favorite provider. At the Service Provider Award 2022 (formerly Hosting & Service Provider Award), netcup won Gold in the category Cloud Service. In total, there were 13 categories to choose from at the Vogel IT-Akademie award.
Our special thanks go to everyone who voted for us. Your support shows us that we are on the right track in terms of quality and service.
Service Provider Awards 2021: Gold in the Category Web Hosting
Once again, we have succeeded in convincing our customers of the high quality of netcup and our services. For the sixth time in a row, we received the Service Provider Award (formerly Hosting & Service Provider Award) in Gold. This year in the category Web Hosting.
In 2021 the Vogel IT-Akademie awarded the best providers in eleven different categories for the Service Provider Award (formerly Hosting & Service Provider Award).
We would like to thank our customers for their loyalty and support.
HOSTtest: Webhoster of the Year 2020
We are happy to announce that we have been awarded as Webhoster of the Year 2020 by the readers of HOSTtest for the sixth time in a row. More than 14,000 users voted this year.
As in the previous year, we have been awarded with the first place in the categories vServer, Domains and Managed Server. In the category Webhosting we were able to achieve the third place.
We are deeply grateful for the trust our customers show us. The awards are a special honor for the whole netcup team. At netcup we continuously develop and improve our products and services and will continue to do so with lots of motivation during next year.
Service Provider Awards 2020: Gold in the Category Cloud Server
We are delighted, that our customers value netcup that much! In 2020 we won at the Service Provider Award for the fifth time in a row. At the Service Provider Summit in Frankfurt, we have been awarded with Gold in the category Cloud Server. The award confirms the quality of our services and motivates us once more to continuously develop and improve them further. We thank all our customers for their trust and support in netcup!
As part of the Service Provider Awards customers vote for their favorite provider in 10 categories. The nomination of the candidates in the different categories is part of a complex selection process. Indicators like market relevance, size, competence, track record and brand awareness play a role in the selection process of the nominees. netcup Convinces as Test Winner
The German-speaking comparison website tests products and services related to digitization. In the current consumer test of web hosting providers, netcup was able to convince the expert jury with its cloud web hosting products: with an overall score of 1.3, netcup is the test winner.
The commission was especially convinced by the performance of netcup's services, the intuitive user interface, the speed of our databases and web spaces as well as the possibility to create unlimited free SSL certificates.
HOSTtest: Webhoster of the Year 2019 - for the Fifth Time in a row
For the fifth time in row we have been awarded as Webhoster of the Year 2019 by the readers of HOSTtest. In this year‘s vote about 15,000 users have given their vote for Webhoster of the Year. Thanks to this, HOSTtest could set a new record in votes.
netcup has been awarded with the first place in the categories vServer, Domains and Managed-Server. In the category Webhosting we were able to achieve second place. The awards for Webhoster of the Year 2019 fill us with pride and happiness.
The awards are a special honor for our work, and we are sincerely thankful for all the confidence our customers have in us. In future we will continue working on maintaining this trust and already work with a lot of motivation on the continuous improvement of our services and products. In doing so we will stay true to our values and always try to offer high-quality products at fair prices.
Hosting Awards 2019: Platinum in the Category VPS/vServer
We are very happy and proud to have such satisfied customers! In 2019, we were able to emerge as happy winners of the HSP Award in Frankfurt for the fourth time in a row. For the third time in a row we were able to bring home the platinum award. With your encouragement, your recognition and last but not least with the coveted award in our industry, you show us that our service and our continuous further development is what you want and value! We would like to thank you very much for this.
Customers of the web hosting industry, in particular readers of IT Business magazine, were able to vote for their preferred provider in a total of 11 categories. Which company is nominated for which category was determined beforehand in an elaborate selection process. In the selection process, factors such as market relevance, size, competence, track record and the provider's profile in the respective category are of great relevance.
HOSTtest: The fourth time in a row - Webhoster of the Year 2018
This year, for the fourth time in a row, we were named Web Host of the Year 2018 by the readers of the online portal HOSTtest. In 2015, HOSTtest called on its readers to vote for "Webhoster of the Year" for the first time. In 2018, a total of 12,000 readers voted for the Web Hoster of the Year, 50 percent more than in the previous year.
To take the 1st place in the categories Webhosting, vServer and Managed Server and also 2nd place in the category Domains fills us with a lot of pride and joy.
The greatest appreciation of our work is that, with your help, we were able to place ourselves in front of industry giants such as 1&1. For this we would like to thank you very much! Your appreciation gives us the right motivation to continuously improve and develop our products and services. We are only satisfied when you are satisfied with our top price-performance ratio.
Hosting Awards 2018: Rank of Platinum in the Category VPS/vServer
Readers of the IT industry have been honoured us as the winner of the Hosting Awards for the third year in a row. After Gold and Platinum, Platinum is following again, this year in the category of VPS/vServer. At this point we would like to express our special thanks to all our customers an readers of the IT industry for their appreciation and allegiance. The positive feedback give us the certainty that our services are very good and that we are on the right track to fulfil the demands of the market.
Readers of the IT industry have the main role at the Hosting Award and decide with their vote about the winners of the eleven categories. Which company is nominated for which category will be determined in a complex selection process by The IT business editorial team and their IT portals as well as webhostlist, webhosternews and Vogel IT. Factors such as market relevance, size, expertise, track record and reputation of the supplier in their respective categories are significant for the nomination of Hosting Award.
HOSTtest: Webhoster of the Year 2017
In the categories vServer and managed Server we could assert ourselves as a test winner and we got the second place in the category web hosting.
In the categories vServer and managed Server we could assert ourselves as a test winner and we got the second place in the category web hosting.
We are proud to be test winner in two categories and this motivates us to improve continuously, to develop and to offer you the best service at the best possible price. Thank you very much to our many loyal customers who voted for us. The customer satisfaction is important to us and therefore we are particularly glad about your positive feedback in all three categories for which we were nominated by HOSTtest.
Hosting Awards 2017: Rank of Platinum in the Category Dedicated Server
The IT business editorial team has nominated netcup for the Hosting Awards 2017 in the category Dedicated Server and the readers of the IT industry have elected us with the rank of Platinum in this year! We are particularly pleased, that our readers have raised us from Gold to Platinum. At this point we would like to express our special thanks to all readers.
Readers of the IT industry have the main role at the Hosting Award and decide with their vote about the winners of the different categories. The IT business editorial team and their IT portals as well as Webhostlist, Webhosternews and Vogel IT set in a complex selection process, which companies are nominated in their respective categories. Factors such as market relevance, size, expertise, track record and reputation of the supplier in their respective categories are significant for the nomination of Hosting Award.
HOSTtest: Webhoster of the Year 2016
Once again, this year the evaluation portal HOSTtest has called up the user to choice the "Webhoster of the year" aIn comparison to last year, the numbers of participants has more than doubled! Quote: "Aus über 11.000 Stimmen wurden die besten Webhoster in sieben Kategorien von August bis Oktober 2016 gewählt."
Based on the increased numbers of participants this year, we are particularly pleased to be the winner of the vServer category (1st place) a second time. We are also delighted that we could take up a winner place in two additional categories domains (1st place) and web hosting (3rd place).
Last But Not Least: Our special thanks go to the many participants, who have contributed with their voices to achieving the result of user opinions.
Hosting Awards 2016: Rank of Gold in the Category VPS/vServer
netcup GmbH was nominated by the IT business editorial team in the category VPS / vServer. The readers of the IT industry have elected us for the Hosting Awards 2016 with the rank of Gold. We are very pleased to receive this award and we thank the readers sincerely.
In 2016 the Hosting Awards replace the popular Hosting & Service Provider Award. Readers of the IT industry have the main role at the Hosting Award and decide with their vote about the winners of the different categories. The IT business editorial team and their IT portals as well as Webhostlist, Webhosternews and Vogel IT set in a complex selection process, which companies are nominated in their respective categories. Factors such as market relevance, size, expertise, track record and reputation of the supplier in their respective categories are significant for the nomination of Hosting Award.
HOSTtest: Webhoster of the Year 2015
The evaluation portal HOSTtest has elected us at the best webhoster of the year in vServer category. "Aus über 5.000 Stimmen wurden die besten Webhoster in sieben Kategorien im Oktober 2015 gewählt."Thank you very much for your active participation, we would not have received this award without your assistance. Due to the high number of participants, we are especially pleased to emerge victorious in vServer category.
Netzsieger: "Outstanding"
Das unabhängige Vergleichsportal hat den Webhosting-Tarif Expert M getestet und mit "Sehr gut" ausgezeichnet.
Quote: "Das Webhosting Paket Expert M von Netcup stellt die kleinste Version der Expert-Paketreihe dar. Das bereitgestellte E-Mail- und Speichervolumen kann aber gerade Einsteiger und Nutzer mit geringem Kapazitätsbedarf überzeugen, vor allem da der Preis entsprechend geringer ausfällt. Netcup selbst bietet für seine Produkte einen umfangreichen Support. Mit einer 30 Tage Zufriedenheitsgarantie gibt es schlussendlich keinen Grund mehr, Webhosting von Netcup nicht wenigstens zu testen. Denn wer innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach der Bestellung mit seinem Tarif nicht zufrieden ist, kann diesen zurückgeben und erhält die komplette Grundgebühr zurück." Full article >
Trustpilot has quickly become a sought-after point for customer reviews. Thanks to a large transparency and a very engaged team of employees that ensure the authenticity of the reviews the portal is becoming increasingly popular with customers reviews. Even our customers evaluate our services on Trustpilot.
HOSTtest is one of the best-known platforms for comparing web hosters and the products they offer. In addition, HOSTtest also regularly tests web hoster availability. Customers are given the opportunity to report on their experiences with providers. netcup has been recognised by HOSTtest as a Premium Webhoster.
Webhostlist has given us their "Premium Provider" seal of approval. Webhostlist is an online magazine focusing on web hosting, web space and running your own server. Active in the market since 1998, it prides itself on keeping track of over 2000 providers. We are regularly assessed by Webhostlist and also rated by customers on the Webhostlist portal.
Hosting Packages for WordPress: 16 Providers in Comparison
Quote: "Bei der Auswahl der Hoster stützen wir uns auf eine Umfrage der t3n-Community mit mehr als 2.000 Teilnehmern. [...] Das günstigste Paket von Netcup kostet mit einer Laufzeit von zwölf Monaten 1,99 Euro monatlich. Enthalten sind zehn Gigabyte Speicherplatz, SSH, eine Domain, SSL-Zertifikate von Let's Encrypt, PHP 7 und 512 Megabyte Memory-Limit. Das Angebot kann 30 Tage kostenlos getestet werden. [...] Auch auf wichtige Faktoren wie das PHP-Memory-Limit sollte bei der Auswahl geachtet werden. [...]" Source >
t3n Magazin Nr. 46.
Quote: “Netcup hat sein neues Server-Control-Panel vorgestellt. Damit wird die Verwaltung der virtuellen Server, Root-Server und Storage-Server so wie demnächst auch dedizierten Server des Anbieters vereint. [...] ”
c't Magazin 20/2016
In the issue c't 20/2016, the authors Daniel Berger and Holger Bleich have scrutinised and evaluated eight web hosting provider, one of them netcup. The result of the extensive tests found that the funtional scope, performance and SSL security of our web hosting are "good". Especially praised was our file manager, which enable to manage and maintain files within the web hosting control panel easily.
iX release 9/2015
Quote: "[...] Meanwhile, Microsoft dominates the groupware market. Open Exchange follows with some distance. Open Source products are rare to find, such as by netcup (Fig. 1). [...]"
Quote: "A server of the upper middle class like 'Dedi HP SL230L' by netcup with Intel Xeon-Prozessor (6x 2,6 GHz), 32 GB RAM and 2 x 4 TB HDD costs around 200 Euro per month."
Quote: "The web host Netcup has come up with an ingenious system: For every German goal in the preliminary round, there is a one percent discount, for every knockout match won, five percent, and the World Cup title brings an additional ten percent."
t3n Magazin Nr. 34.
Quote: "Im Idealfall regelt ein Service Level Agreement (SLA) die wichtigsten Service-Leistungen des Hosters - wie bei netcup."
c't kompakt 01/11
In this issue, author Mirko Dölle reports on a range of virtualisation techniques and providers of virtual servers. The article also takes a closer look at six providers, including netcup.
t3n Magazin Nr. 28.
Quote: “Der Hoster netcup bietet künftig ein Migrationssystem für E-Mail-Konten beliebter Anbieter. [...] Laut eigener Aussage ist netcup Deutschlands erster Hoster, der Mails anderer Anbieter automatisiert importiert.”
In accordance with Directive 2006/112/EC as amended, prices may vary depending on the customer's country of residence. Price incl. 0% VAT.